
Version fran�aise

The island was originally uninhabited.
In 1646, twelve mutineers were sent into exile on the island. They were the first inhabitants.
Then came the first settlers and their slaves.
In 1707, 734 inhabitants could be counted; in 1837 they were 110,000.
Nowadays these are 660,000.

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Reunion Island is a palette of colours. Its population is made up of many different ethnic groups, such as European, African, Malagasy, Tamil Indian, Muslim Indian, Chinese and Comorian.
Racism hardly exists in Reunion.

European people, who are descendants of settlers or much more recently arrived, are French for the most part. They are called Zoreil.
African and Malagasy people were brought in the island as slaves. Descendants of African slaves are called Cafre.
Tamil Indian people came to work in the crops just after slavery was abolished. They were supposed to be free, but were actually treated as slaves for a long time. They are called Malbar, even if they come from the Coromandel Coast and from Madras.
Muslim Indian people come from Bombay and from Gujarat for the most part. They arrived after 1870. They are called Zarabe, although very few of the Muslims are Arab.
Chinese people arrived after 1860, and mainly during the first decades of this century. They own most of the grocery stores and of course, many restaurants.
People from the Comoros come to Reunion Island to find a job but it is difficult to do so.
Multicoloured families are quite numerous. This blend of races makes up a third of the present day population.
The first interbreeding was certainly between the settlers and their black slaves. Their descendants are now called Yab.

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